Why invest our money now?

Victoria to plan for and invest in a smarter future, inspiring and educating a younger generation to innovate and take on the world as we see it now, and change it, with the skills of the future, at the same time harnessing the energy and experience of seniors, our “social capital”,  to contribute

Seniors in Victoria will double to 2.25m by 2045 – against a backdrop currently of 30% of retirees living off a state pension and a” baked beans” lifestyle, and aged care expenditure in Victoria of less than $1Bn, Federally less than $20BN  and NDIS proposed expenditure of $22Bn- the risks of a financial blowout are apparent, if action is not taken.

The main parties are in denial, outsourcing the blame and patients to the private sector, and imposing a potentially crushing burden on our children – we need to get on with it, and spend money NOW, not wait for the 2042 election.

How is your $380M being spent?



Slashing subliminal PR and advertising budget spent for political purpose.



Reducing Premier personal fund budget.



Cancelling political giveaways to entice voters e.g. $50m to sign on for energy advice.



Cancelling give aways to privately owned sports enterprises and stadia.

What we would do with that money?

Our spend to help the disadvantaged and the needy includes:


  • $100m  Current intervention, capacity, support and response initiatives to be expanded via early deployment and support for the homeless, committed to self help, with assistance to restore them within society.
  • $50m – Pilot scheme to introduce a technology centre of excellence in Gippsland and incentives for working from home employment in the regions.
  • $50m -Pilot scheme to  offer trade skills , apprenticeships, digital web hosting and application competencies to young people.across schools, colleges and TAFEs.
  • $75m -To improve security in communities and address safety concerns , finance fast track measures to increase interest and  participation in safeguarding the security and quality of life in communities – monitoring alarms in homes for the elderly, reopening community buildings  as youth centres,  improved neighbourhood watch systems, marshalling volunteer resources
  • $25m- To canvas and promote key opportunities to enhance senior at home care services, voluntary and community resources , medical support and budgets to extend their stay before entering aged care homes
  • $25m – To identify “standout” state and private aged care homes, that genuinely care, work out what makes them tick and roll out an action plan to raise the standards across the sector .    .
  • $25m – Short term injection into help and counselling lines to provide one stop support for the homeless and destitute  
  • $25m – Introducing a regional meetings and hearings schedule for Parliamentary attendance and engagement in outlying suburbs and regional centres.


Total: $375M

What’s to be done Tomorrow?

Spending to help the disadvantaged and needy include:

  • Independent research and working party to review the policy and governance. framework for state government outsourcing and privatisation initiatives, particularly in relation to health care and aged care, the outcomes and recommendations.
  • Independent research and working party to review the performance and benchmarks. for the efficiency  of public administration, the outcomes and recommendations.
  • Increased spending on accommodation for the homeless and those on the streets and assistance to support their return to society.
  • Exercise to project a 2045 demographic landscape for Victoria, the challenges and recommendations.
  • Revisit the Vacant Residential Land Tax Rate to raise the current 1% rate.to finance homeless care and support
  • Revisit current gaming policies and taxes, licencing regulations, marketing restrictions and financial returns.to Victorians