10 Commandments for Electoral Success in Victoria 1] Don’t stand if you’re not a lawyer and…
We’re all O.W.L’s now, embracing Opportunity, Wellbeing and Liberty.
“ We can make a difference – we’ll do right for ALL Victorians – who demand honest, smart , responsive government .To register as a party, we need hundreds of supportive members in short order – Thanks for registering below” .
Peter Hanlon – Founder Member
91% of Victorians have little or no trust in politicians… and is it any wonder? They continue to let us down – from using taxpayers money for their own expenses, to spending their time on PR, self promotion and image consultants instead of focusing on the real issues!
We’ll raise and spend our hard-earned cash fairly, efficiently and honestly, calling
out the rorts and the waste, for a better life for ALL Victorians.
We’ll support Victorians left behind, the homeless, mentally ill, jobless, addicted,
prepared to show commitment and self help, to regain self- esteem, re-enter and
contribute to society,
It’s not rocket science – the money’s there, the politicians have squandered “Bns ,
with $100ms of current spending identified to deliver our promises .
Government for ALL the people, with ALL the people, by ALL the people – Join now
and vote for the Mad as Hell party.